
Animal Farm Summary

Hidden Inequalities in Social Justice on Animal Farm Summary Animal Farm is a novel written by George Orwell, first published in 1945. It is a satirical allegory that uses a group of farm animals to satirize the events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the early years of the Soviet Union. This novel tells the story of a group of animals on a farm who rebel against their master, Mr. Jones. The animals then founded a new society which they called Animal Farm. Animal Farm Summary Manor Farm, led by Mr. Jones, is a place where animals live in poor and oppressed conditions. They suffer starvation and abuse, prompting the cleverest leader among them, a pig named Old Major, to rebel. Old Major leads a motivational speech, voicing the dream that animals can live without human oppression. This idea formed the basis of the revolution to come. One night, all the animals at Mr. Jones's Manor Farm gathered in the barn to hear the Major, a wise old pig. delivers a speech i...

"Exploring the World of Fashion with a Cool Style"

  Photo by: @ruhee.diary Instagram        Fashion has become one of the fastest changing industries in the world. In the last few decades, fashion trends have experienced extraordinary development, especially in 2022 and 2023. This development mode is extraordinary, occurring because it reflects cultural, social and political changes that are occurring in society. Now in digital age, through the global and undeniable influence of social media, now fashion age reflects a spirit of self-exploration and discovery. One of the most appealing aspects of now fashion is its ever-increasing diversity. Designers and fashion aficionados have embraced an inclusive approach, they are also competing to create their pieces and mix different body types, ethnicities, genders, and sexual identities. It features catwalk models of all sizes and skin tones, and promotes natural beauty and self-acceptance. Now fashion doesn'...


 Friday 9, December 2022, NOVEL(Neo Orientation Value of English Literature) Chapter IV.       Our activities there last for 3 days 2 nights, precisely on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in close-knit activities, how to build brotherly relations and build better character in an organization. This activity was not an easy thing, there were many obstacles and other things before entering the activity, starting from fundraising and the process to the activity, even in division there were many obstacles, a week before the activity the problem was the correspondence which was too slow to complete even on the collection of goods to be brought to the place of activity within a few days.       Then came the day of departure for the 2022 freshman class they were gathered on campus, then we also preceded them to go prepare the needs for the activity site after returning from the shopping market, but when I was on the way to the location with eleasar we had an a...

Last month's holiday

 Happiness does not have to be with something special, just simply enjoying the beauty of nature alone makes us feel quite happy, especially in addition to being together.      Last month, I and my friend went on vacation in pangkep area, South Sulawesi, although it was very simple but brought great joy, we climbed a high mountain from a distance we could see how beautiful God's creation was. The most beautiful and enjoyable holiday for me was only half a day, but it brought great fatigue, But that's the holiday... Seeking joy, tirelessness, our happiness that makes us not wait for others to make ki happy Love yourself 😇💓
  Cara Super Cepat Menulis Copywriting Bagaimana sih cara super cepat menulis Copywriting ?   Sangat banyak yang masih bertanya-tanya tentang cara cepat membuat copywriting karena biasanya sulit untuk merangkai kata- kata yang menarik. Bagi yang pemula dalam membuat copy writing pastinya masih sangat susah dalam membuat tulisan copywriting tersebut tapi tenang saja disini kita akan memberikan tips cara cepat menulis copywriting.  Apalagi  bagi yang bekerja  dibidang penjualan produk atau jasa  harus cepat menulis copywriting dan tentunya juga harus menarik karena dimana  copywriting itu sangatlah penting dan memiliki tujuan yaitu  agar produk yang ditawarkan itu bisa menarik perhatian pembeli, dan meningkatkan penjualan produk. Namun sebelum masuk dalam penjelasan inti terlebih dahulu kita perlu mengetahui apa itu Copywriting secara detail meskipun diatas  sudah ada sedikit penjelasan. Jadi “Copywriting adalah segalah bentuk tulisan...